in the 1900s

Australian Yacht Squadron
The Australian Yacht Squadron was formed principally to host 12 metre yachtsmen and mariners that had reached significant milestones in the field of maritime endeavours, both in the Royal Australian & New Zealand Navy and the America’s Cup. It hosts possibly one of the largest maritime collections in Australia, which include historic artefacts from Lord Nelson’s ship the Victory, to ship figureheads, maritime models and America’s Cup memorabilia. The Squadron has hosted in the past functions also connected to exploration. It is very private by nature, with photographs and records of attendees not encouraged, but it is fair to say that everyone from Prime Ministers to the family of the first people who climbed Mount Everest, have been guests and enjoyed the camaraderie of this special Squadron.
The Australian Yacht Squadron Burgee
The burgee was designed by Nigel Abbott, twice world sailing champion and graphic designer. The burgee design features the Commonwealth Star in the corner, the A for Australia and the nautical colours of Royal blue – as per the Oxford Concise Dictionary – red and white.
Henley-on-Todd Regatta in Alice Springs, Saturday 19 August 2017
The Commodore, the Consul General of the USA, along with some full members and a group of associate members, attended the Henley-on-Todd Regatta in Alice Springs, which was sponsored by the Squadron. It was one of our best Regattas.
Membership Strictly by Invitation Only
Officially opened by Lieutenant-Commander (Rtd) Michael Parker CVO AM
Lieutenant-Commander (Rtd)
Michael Parker CVO AM
Club Captain
Mr Stephen Hawes
Mr John Longley AM
Vice Commodore
Dr the Hon. Richard Worth
Flag Captain
Mr Peter Cornes (decd)
Former Squadron Patron
Former Lord Mayor of Hobart,
Doone Kennedy AO
Life Member
Commodore Dacre Smyth AO
Life Member
Master Mariner Howard Kiel